4 ways you should not use WriteyBoard in the office

Office whiteboards from WriteyBoard are inexpensive solutions to stimulate teamwork and provide organization in the building. However, this does not mean that the thinking out loud space can become the venting out loud space. Your work environment is professional and a shared space, so you have to show workplace respect and respect your co-workers and be careful about what you write. With that in mind, here are some things you should not use your WriteyBoard products for:


4 ways you should not use WriteyBoard in the office

1. Negative doodles
While studies have shown that doodling can boost concentration, you should use caution with what you draw at work. Yes, having WriteyBoard paper at your desk may entice you to draw something negative about your client when you're frustrated. However, the paper isn't meant to be a venting board.

Avoid doodling caricatures of your boss, inappropriate images of your least-favorite client or even images related to your personal life - just because you're excited for vacation doesn't mean you should draw palm trees everywhere.

Instead, draw work-related, positive images on your WriteyBoard paper, or, you know, notes.
"Use your best judgment when writing on whiteboards at work."

2. Drawing at the wrong place and time
Your co-workers may love your cute drawings of bears, but that doesn't mean you can tag all of your office whiteboards with them. Really think about your timing and location. If your office has a wall that's covered in whiteboard paint, your boss probably writes important information there for everyone to see. Your doodles don't belong there.

If you're in a meeting, don't cover the notes with pictures. Instead, be mindful of when and where you draw.

3. Jabs
When you've worked too long and you're the last one in the office, jotting mean messages on your company's dry-erase board might seem like a good idea - sticking it to the man would be so cathartic. But this is a good way to burn bridges and get yourself in trouble.

No matter how tired, frustrated or ignored you feel, save the venting for home. Even if you think your whiteboard notes are anonymous, they can still cause damage.

4. Self-promotion
Talking about hobbies with co-workers is OK in the right context. Marketing your latest craft project by writing it on your foam WriteyBoard isn't the best idea. As such, don't try to sell your creations, boast about your intramural team's win or your new granite counter-tops by writing about them at work - those things can come up in casual conversation.

That being said, some offices are totally fine with employees selling their sons' or daughters' fundraising products - Girl Scout cookies, anyone? But before you post a big message on the whiteboard, talk to your office manager to see if you can spread the word about your sale.

Use your best judgment when writing on whiteboards at work. Be professional at all times and implement whiteboards as a way to help you focus and be efficient - your co-workers will be appreciative. To put it simply, use dry-erase boards to do the things your office manager bought them for.

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