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WriteyBoard to be featured on 'Operation Build' this weekend

WriteyBoard products are designed to make using a dry-erase board easier and more efficient. From stick-on whiteboards to whiteboard paint, we offer a variety of ways for you to think out loud. Most of our items go to offices, schools and homes, but every once in a while, we like to share our boards with families who may not be able to buy them otherwise. In fact, WriteyBoard recently worked with History Channel 2's TV show "Operation Build" to provide a family in need with the ability to brainstorm and doodle away whenever they want.

WriteyBoard in Operation Build

About 'Operation Build'
"Operation Build" is a multi-series show that highlights renovation techniques and tools that modern-day homeowners can emulate. The reality television program tackles challenges we face today, from maintaining a home to improving its longevity. "Operation Build" is split into two series: The first is "Operation Build Green," which highlights eco-friendly construction practices and transformations that help viewers learn how to reduce their carbon footprint.

Additionally, "Operation Build For a Cause" follows families who have experienced hardship as they receive aid in the form of much-needed home renovations. The show team addresses specific challenges during each episode, offering these families with a safe and updated home that can shelter them for years to come.

About Operation Build

WriteyBoard lifts spirits
WriteyBoard partnered with "Operation Build For a Cause" to provide a family with a little luxury: a whiteboard wall. This episode will air onSaturday, March 28, 2015, on the History Channel and H2. Tune in at 7:30 a.m. EST/PST to see how "Operation Build" and WriteyBoard impacted the lives of a remarkable family.

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