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Unique ways to upgrade your dorm room using whiteboards

Is your teen about to graduate high school, leave home and enter the collegiate world? If so, you have a lot of work to do to help him or her prepare. From filing a FAFSA form (one of the not-so-fun tasks) to buying dorm necessities, you and your teen have a long to-do list. You may be tempted to focus most of your attention on things like tuition deadlines and start dates, but what goes in your teen's dorm room is actually very important. The decor can help keep him or her organized, provide reminders for homework due dates and create a focused environment. With that in mind, here are some unique dorm ideas for helping your child start college off right:

Unique ways to upgrade your dorm room using whiteboards

Dorm wall whiteboard

Your child will be busy once college starts, from running to class to doing projects to attending social events. Keeping reminders in plain sight or jotting down notes quickly will help your teen stay organized. For this reason, you may consider buying him or her a foam dry erase board. This dorm whiteboard sticks to the wall and peels off easily, making it perfect for dorm rooms that don't allow nails. In fact, the foam whiteboard is the easiest product to take off the wall without causing damage.

With a whiteboard placed over your child's desk, he or she will have no problem remembering important dates. Your teen can even leave notes for his or her roommate.

Whiteboard paint

WriteyBoard paint is essentially clear paint that turns any surface into a dry erase board. While you can get the product in a transparent version, your child still can't use it on his or her dorm walls - painting or altering the room or dorm furniture is against university policy.

However, you can paint it on other items, like furniture. Is your teen bringing an end table to school? Paint it so the table can act as a writing surface. What about a bed tray? Your teen can jot notes on it while doing homework in his or her bed. Basically, anything else your student owns can become a whiteboard thanks to Writeboard paint. Only paint the whiteboard onto furniture you own - many schools have furnished dorms that come with desks, so leave the university's property alone.

Of course, if you do want a whiteboard for the walls that's bigger than the foam WriteyBoard, check out the Ghost WriteyBoard. The transparent sheets stick to the walls and come off clean - that means no proration!

WriteyBoard in the Dorm Room

Dry-erase calendar

Help your child keep his or her busy college schedule in order by getting a Weekly Writeyboard. This whiteboard is broken down by day, allowing your child to plan out the entire week. You can hang the board somewhere in your child's dorm where it's easy to see.

Staying organized in college and on top of tasks is important in college, and hanging whiteboard products in your child's dorm can help. Here's to a successful school year.

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